Essays about: "Natural science"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 482 essays containing the words Natural science.

  1. 1. Incremental Re-tokenization in BPE-trained SentencePiece Models

    University essay from Umeå universitet/Institutionen för datavetenskap

    Author : Simon Hellsten; [2024]
    Keywords : BPE; Byte Pair Encoding; SentencePiece; NLP; Natural Language Processing; Tokenization; Re-tokenization;

    Abstract : This bachelor's thesis in Computer Science explores the efficiency of an incremental re-tokenization algorithm in the context of BPE-trained SentencePiece models used in natural language processing. The thesis begins by underscoring the critical role of tokenization in NLP, particularly highlighting the complexities introduced by modifications in tokenized text. READ MORE

  2. 2. The Public, The Police, and The Puzzle of Information

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet

    Author : William Duggan; Librain Natia Ellis; [2024]
    Keywords : Policing; Public Perception; Safety Science; Social Sciences;

    Abstract : When humans are involved, things can go wrong. This is a statement as factually true and yet dramatically undefined and dangerously ambiguous as any. No matter the industry or domain, where humans interact with other humans, perfect predictability is impossible and a focus on negative outcomes can seem natural. READ MORE

  3. 3. Detecting inconsistencies of safety artifacts with Natural Language Processing Bachelor of Science Thesis

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik

    Author : Xuni Huang; [2023-01-09]
    Keywords : Inconsistencies; Safety-critical systems; Natural language processing; Classification;

    Abstract : This paper investigates a method that helps detect inconsistencies between safety-critical systems’ textual safety artifacts that safety cases rely on by involving NLP techniques. A design science research study was conducted in three iterations. I evaluate the method by conducting different experiments. READ MORE

  4. 4. Reducing corporatescope 1 emissions on a voluntarily basiswith a focus on European biomethane and hydrogen markets

    University essay from KTH/Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM)

    Author : Vic van Mol; [2023]
    Keywords : Scope 1 emission reduction; sustainability; biomethane; hydrogen; markets; companies; SBTi; GHG Protocol; Scope 1 utsläppsminskning; hållbarhet; biometan; väte; marknader; företag; SBTi; GHG Protocol;

    Abstract : This research project represents a collaborative effort between E&C Consultants, an international energy procurement consultancy, and aims to address the increasing demand for guidance on scope 1 emissions reduction strategies expressed by their clients. From a procurement perspective, companies are actively seeking alternative commodities, such as biomethane or hydrogen, to substitute their natural gas consumption. READ MORE

  5. 5. Analyzing the performance of active learning strategies on machine learning problems

    University essay from Uppsala universitet/Avdelningen för systemteknik

    Author : Vendela Werner; [2023]
    Keywords : computer science; bioinformatics; machine learning; active learning; artificial intelligence; supervised learning; Astrazeneca; maskininlärning; artificiell intelligens; datorvetenskap; active learning; bioinformatik; supervised learning;

    Abstract : Digitalisation within industries is rapidly advancing and data possibilities are growing daily. Machine learning models need a large amount of data that are well-annotated for good performance. To get well-annotated data, an expert is needed, which is expensive, and the annotation itself could be very time-consuming. READ MORE