Essays about: "T4-1 Goniometer LabVIEW RBS"

Found 1 essay containing the words T4-1 Goniometer LabVIEW RBS.

  1. 1. Improved handling of a sample holder goniometer at Uppsala University’s Tandem Laboratory

    University essay from Uppsala universitet/Tillämpad kärnfysik

    Author : Alexander WU-VIGNOLO; [2020]
    Keywords : T4-1 Goniometer LabVIEW RBS;

    Abstract : Rutherford backscattering spectrometry are performed at the Tandem Laboratory of Uppsala Univer-sity, providing information on thickness and composition of materials. To avoid the channelling effect,a wiggling routine has been created to randomly move the sample holding goniometer during the spec-trum acquisition. READ MORE