Essays about: "China Korea"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 39 essays containing the words China Korea.

  1. 1. The Effects of Macroeconomic Factors on the Shares of Automotive Manufacturers in the USA, Asia, and Europe in the Short and Long Run

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Nationalekonomiska institutionen

    Author : Filip Dyankov; [2022]
    Keywords : macroeconomic factors; stock returns; VAR; ARDL; Business and Economics;

    Abstract : This study aims to broaden the remits of the relatively scant hitherto literature focused on the impact of the changes in macroeconomic indicators on automotive stock returns. Since a considerable fraction of previous empirical research covered multiple industries, historical results may not be directly transferable for the purposes of the analysis of the automotive industry. READ MORE

  2. 2. Law Beyond Borders: Transnational Legal Pluralism Following Hong Kong’s New Reality

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Rättssociologiska institutionen

    Author : Pontus Blomqvist; [2022]
    Keywords : Legal Pluralism; Migration; State Influence; Transnationalism; National Security Law; Hong Kong; South Korea; Social Sciences;

    Abstract : Hong Kong is a region undergoing rapid social, political, and legal change as mainland China seeks to increase its control over the previously largely autonomous region with laws such as the national security law which asserts its jurisdiction beyond borders, complicating matters for Hong Kongers living abroad. The effects of law asserting its jurisdiction beyond borders is contingent on the relative dependency of states, as can be seen in the South Korean strategy with regards to the national security law where the state has sought to maintain “strategic ambiguity” in order to balance US and Chinese relations. READ MORE

  3. 3. The Impact of Population Aging o nReal-estate Price : An empirical application at the provincial level in China

    University essay from Jönköping University/IHH, Nationalekonomi

    Author : Weiyi Dai; Jiayi Jin; [2021]
    Keywords : ;

    Abstract : Many previous studies have shown that the aging population correlates with housing prices. Studies in Japan, Korea and Scotland have shown different results. The results that disagree with each other may be due to the differences of each sample. The differences include cultural diversity, population size and wealth gaps. READ MORE

  4. 4. Parkslide : kan förekomsten i olika jordar och miljöförhållanden ge indikationer på hur de kan bekämpas?

    University essay from SLU/Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)

    Author : Chasmine Carlsson; [2021]
    Keywords : parkslide; Reynoutria japonica; jord; pH; invasiv; miljöförhållanden; ståndort;

    Abstract : Parkslide känns igen på sitt bambuliknande utseende och är en storväxande flerårig ört. Den har sitt ursprung i östra Asien, i länderna Japan, Korea, Taiwan och Kina och kom till Europa från Japan på1820-talet genom en holländsk import. Från att ha odlats som prydnadsväxt i parker och trädgårdar har arten spridit sig ut i naturen. READ MORE

  5. 5. Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Swedish stock market : A quantitative study on how Economic Policy Uncertainty affects the Swedish stock market

    University essay from Umeå universitet/Nationalekonomi

    Author : Andreas Vikström; [2020]
    Keywords : ;

    Abstract : This study examines the effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) on the Swedish stock market, both in the short-run and the long-run. To do this, the Economic Policy Uncertainty index, developed by Armelius et al. (2016), is used. This index was constructed with the purpose of measuring uncertainty related to economic policy. READ MORE