Essays about: "Digital Competence"

Showing result 21 - 25 of 129 essays containing the words Digital Competence.

  1. 21. Shielding kids and safeguarding secrets: Examining the balance of children’s right to privacy and children’s right to protection

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen; Lunds universitet/Juridiska fakulteten

    Author : Ida Markusson; [2023]
    Keywords : EU Law; Digital rights; Children rights; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : Denna uppsats utgår från premissen att barns rätt till integritet är en del av barns rätt till deltagande online. Barnrättslagstiftning presenterar i sig ett di-lemma som rör barns rätt till delaktighet och skydd, där en rättighetsbaserad strategi anses vara det mest effektiva sättet att ta itu med dilemmat. READ MORE

  2. 22. The Social Sustainability of Digital Information Services in Sub-Saharan Africa : a Social Practice Perspective on Smallholder Farmers’ Use of Mobile Phone-Enabled Services for Agricultural Development in Kenya

    University essay from SLU/Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

    Author : Alvar Gonzalez Bujedo; [2023]
    Keywords : ICT; Pro-Poor Innovation; Knowledge Processes; Social Practice Theory; Human Capital; Social Capital; Sustainability Transitions; Participant Observation;

    Abstract : Nowadays, mobile phone-enabled services are reaching the rural poor farmer in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with digital information for agricultural development. These digital services consist of access to social networks and customised information that are expected to enhance farm management due to knowledge exchange and learning. READ MORE


    University essay from Luleå tekniska universitet/Institutionen för hälsa, lärande och teknik

    Author : Abba Fahim Bakar; [2023]
    Keywords : Attitude; cross-cultural; awareness; knowledge; behavior; dimension; globalisation; democracy; versatile communication; mindset;

    Abstract : Abstract The primary aim of learning English as a second or foreign language is to develop learners’ communication skills and prepare them to use English effectively in multi-dimensional domains. Yet, major approaches and practices of actual second language learning are often related to a simplistic perspective on communication that fails to take into account the cultural and intercultural aspects of the English language as a global communication tool, i. READ MORE

  4. 24. Human and Automation Resource Management: A Transformation Process Towards Integration - A qualitative case study in collaboration with Svenska Kullagerfabriken, SKF.

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Graduate School

    Author : Nedia Borchani; Matilda Lindblom; [2022-07-05]
    Keywords : Industry 4.0; Digitalisation; Automation; Human Resource Management; Automation Resource Management; Skills; Training and Development; Working Conditions; Job Satisfaction; Motivation;

    Abstract : Automation is a trend on the horizon for companies in different industries. In the automation transformation, the human capital is the challenging equation, where this research field is not that fully developed. READ MORE

  5. 25. Developing Skills Through Digital Project-Based Learning : Dual case study of Linköping University and WSP Sweden AB

    University essay from Linköpings universitet/Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling

    Author : Magnus Jungerth; Louise Andersson; [2022]
    Keywords : Project-Based Learning; Project-Based Organizations; Skills Development; Digitalization; Knowledge Transfer; Covid-19; Higher Education; Remote Work; Impact; Project Competence; Tacit Knowledge; Explicit Knowledge; Motivation; Problem-Solving; Communication; Collaboration; Prioritization;

    Abstract : The number of project-based organizations has increased in recent times, as has the teaching method of project-based learning. These two phenomena are related but little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between them, especially from a skills development perspective. READ MORE