Essays about: "Positive Emotions"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 225 essays containing the words Positive Emotions.

  1. 1. AI: A helping hand for digital marketing agencies? : AI: En hjälpande hand för digitala marknadsföringsbyråer?

    University essay from Malmö universitet/Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS)

    Author : Hampus Ekman; Erik Strand; [2024]
    Keywords : GPT-3; Digital marketing; Artificial intelligence; Efficiency; Streamlining; Processes; Content generation.;

    Abstract : This study evaluates whether generative AI tools built on the language model GPT-3 can streamline the processes of digital marketing agencies. The method used for gathering qualitative data was two sets of semi-structured individual interviews with different digital marketing agencies. READ MORE

  2. 2. The Pride and Prejudice of Privacy - How consumers' intentions to share private information are affected by emotions.

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Graduate School

    Author : Erica Ingner; Ida Bergh; [2023-07-03]
    Keywords : Guilt; pride; emotions; feelings; privacy; private information; intention to disclose; privacy concerns; experimental design;

    Abstract : Current papers suggest that if emotions have the power to affect consumers’ privacy concerns, consumers are at risk of being exploited by companies and unauthorized users taking advantage of consumers’ emotional stages. Therefore, suggesting that emotions are critical elements in the context of privacy as they construct the divide between disclosing and protecting an individual’s privacy. READ MORE

  3. 3. Employees Feeling Their Way Through Acquisitions: How Emotions Influence Three Dimensions of Sensemaking

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Graduate School

    Author : Alice Wernersson; Sophia Thorsell; [2023-06-29]
    Keywords : Acquisition; Integration Process; Sensemaking; Sensegiving; Emotions; Communication; Storytelling; Narrative;

    Abstract : Despite previous research efforts, acquisition outcomes remain disappointing, emphasising the need for a better understanding of human aspects in integration processes. This article provides insights into the under-researched area of emotions in acquisition integration processes, where scholars have repeatedly advocated for integrating emotions into sensemaking models. READ MORE

  4. 4. Understanding the Relationship between Individuals’ Emotional Response and Environmental Protection Intentions : A Quantitative Research in the Context of Public Service Advertisements

    University essay from Linnéuniversitetet/Institutionen för marknadsföring och turismvetenskap (MTS)

    Author : Ziyi Zhang; Yaxin Xue; [2023]
    Keywords : Emotions; Positive emotional response; Negative emotional response; Intention; Public service advertisement PSA ; Message framing; Environment Protection;

    Abstract : Background: The protection of the environment requires everyone in this world to act together. If more individuals have the intention to protect the environment, then more individuals and a higher probability of taking action to protect the environment. READ MORE

  5. 5. How are you feeling now? : A self-awareness service to enhance emotional intelligence

    University essay from Umeå universitet/Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet

    Author : HYUNJIN SHIN; [2023]
    Keywords : self-awareness; emotions at work; mental health; interaction design;

    Abstract : Emotions play a critical role within the workplace, impacting employees' well-being, motivation, productivity, colleague relationships, and overall workplace culture. As a designer, my objective was to address emotional issues in the workplace by developing a tool capable of recognizing and effectively managing emotions. READ MORE