Essays about: "Straffrätt"

Showing result 26 - 30 of 30 essays containing the word Straffrätt.

  1. 26. The Interpretation of the Genocide Convention's Protected Groups Definition

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen

    Author : Andreas Henriksson; [2004]
    Keywords : Folkrätt; Straffrätt; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : The Genocide Convention was created in the aftermath of World War II. The international community was appalled by the Nazi policy of extermination of ''inferior'' groups of people. The word genocide was created during the war to cover these policies and acts committed by the Germans. After the war genocide was defined in the Genocide Convention. READ MORE

  2. 27. The principle of complementarity of the International Criminal Court and the principle of universal jurisdiction

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen

    Author : Anna Olsson; [2004]
    Keywords : Folkrätt; Straffrätt; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : This thesis examines and analyses the relationship between the principle of complementarity and the principle of universal jurisdiction. The establishment of the International Criminal Court provides for the first time in history a permanent international criminal institution. READ MORE

  3. 28. Sweden and the Ratification of the Rome Statute - Certain Legal Aspects

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen

    Author : Jenny Silfverberg; [2002]
    Keywords : Folkrätt; Straffrätt; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : The strive for international justice have existed for a very long time. We have seen attempts been made to achieve this goal by for example the creations of the Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The idea has been to prosecute and hold war criminals responsible for their actions. READ MORE

  4. 29. The International Criminal Court - Its Jurisdictional Regime and Relationship with the UN Security Council

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen

    Author : Helena Larsson; [2001]
    Keywords : Straffrätt; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : .... READ MORE

  5. 30. The Supply-side of Bribery in International Business Transactions: Experiences, Criticism and Possibilities

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Juridiska institutionen

    Author : Fredrik Ericsson; [2001]
    Keywords : Straffrätt; Law and Political Science;

    Abstract : This thesis takes its starting point in the criminal offence of bribery in international business transactions. While the relating issues pertaining to the surrounding international business environment are overwhelmingly complex and numerous, the supply-side view presented focuses on questions less related to a political will to conduct massive and costly public sector reforms. READ MORE