Essays about: "The Network theory"

Showing result 16 - 20 of 968 essays containing the words The Network theory.

  1. 16. Interactive Visualization of Network Models in JavaScript/TypeScript for Web-based Applications

    University essay from Umeå universitet/Institutionen för fysik

    Author : Morrow Erik; [2023]
    Keywords : Networks; Information visualization; Information Theory; Interactive visualization; Nätverk; Informationsvisualisering; Informationsteori; Interaktiv visualisering;

    Abstract : Networks of nodes and links are powerful tools to model complex systems, however, when the number of nodes and links grows to the thousands then even the network becomes too complex to comprehend unless we can simplify and highlight the networks underlying structure. The map equation is a method developed by the researchers at IntegratedScience Lab that uses an information theoretic approach to reveal community structure using the flow of information on the network modeled with random walks. READ MORE

  2. 17. Capacity Analysis of Åre Ski Resort: A Jackson Network Approach

    University essay from KTH/Matematisk statistik

    Author : Martin Siberg; Viktor Rasmussen; [2023]
    Keywords : Capacity Analysis; Jackson Network; Queuing Theory; Ski resort modeling; Åre Ski Resort; Resource Allocation; Nudging; Kapacitetsanalys; Jacksonnätverk; Köteori; Modellering av skidsystem; Åre; Resursallokering; Nudging;

    Abstract : Åre ski resort is the largest and most renowned ski resort in Sweden, offering excellent skiing opportunities, restaurants, and nightlife in a prime location. Meanwhile, it is often subject to heavy traffic during the peak season and has earned a bad reputation for struggling with long lift queues. READ MORE

  3. 18. Understanding User Behaviour in a Circular Transport System : From personal choices to societal patterns

    University essay from Stockholms universitet/Stockholm Resilience Centre

    Author : Luja von Köckritz; [2023]
    Keywords : circular economy; agent-based modelling; user behaviour; behavioural decision-making; affordance theory;

    Abstract : The Circular Economy is a growing research field and policy agenda. Yet, integrating the social dimensions of sustainability into the Circular Economy remains a challenge. The significance of reactions to an implemented Circular Economy is poorly understood. READ MORE

  4. 19. The Game Of Nudity on Instagram: Four case studies about art and censorship

    University essay from Uppsala universitet/Konstvetenskapliga institutionen

    Author : Sabine Svensson; [2023]
    Keywords : Agency; actor-network theory; art history; censorship; feminist studies; Instagram; the male gaze; nudity; pornography; Agens; aktör-nätverksteori; konstvetenskap; censur; feministiska studier; Instagram; den manliga blicken; nakenhet; pornografi;

    Abstract : The aim for this essay is, along with the four included case studies, is to examine the social media platform, Instagram's strict guidelines when it comes to showing nudity.  On the platform there is a certain double standard, artists as well as art institutions are censored, that is, they get pictures removed or their accounts blocked when they try to show works that have nudity depicted, but at the same time nudity exists on the platform, this essay wants to highlight the double standard by setting the example that images from accounts of celebrities, which show as much nudity as a work of art, if not more, are allowed to be available on the social platform. READ MORE

  5. 20. Informal Knowledge Sharing : Grasping the Complexity of Sharing Knowledge in Ericsson’s Software Development

    University essay from Linköpings universitet/Projekt, innovationer och entreprenörskap

    Author : Arvid Wittwång; Amanda Perlind; [2023]
    Keywords : Knowledge; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Informal Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Sharing Culture; Information; Electronic Knowledge Network; Digital Tools; Software Development; Product Development; Ericsson; Cloud RAN; 5G; Case Study; Multi-Grounded Theory; Grounded Theory;

    Abstract : Many organizations have realized the importance of managing what they know in a proper way, with the sharing of knowledge as one of the most central aspects. However, the practices of knowledge sharing are seldom fully understood, and thus implementations of technical systems intended to improve knowledge sharing have less effect than expected. READ MORE