Essays about: "Victor Kaupe"

Found 1 essay containing the words Victor Kaupe.

  1. 1. Sustainable Supply Chain Management in an emerging country. The case of a global chemical manufacturer in Turkey

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Institutionen för tjänstevetenskap

    Author : Victor Kaupe; [2014]
    Keywords : Supply chain management SCM ; Sustainability; Sustainable development; Sustainable supply chain management SSCM ; Emerging market; Turkey; Case study; Business and Economics; Social Sciences;

    Abstract : Purpose The author aims to gain a detailed understanding of the different supply chain actors’ perspectives on sustainable supply chain management and its implementation in the process of a global chemistry manufacturer in Turkey. In order to identify what is missing and hindering the implementation of sustainability in SCM as well as the opportunities which arise out of SSCM for both company and country, the entire chemistry supply chain, including but not limited to, the Turkish transportation industry along with the political, economic and mental situation in 2014's Turkey are being explored and illustrated. READ MORE