Essays about: "collaborative management"

Showing result 11 - 15 of 306 essays containing the words collaborative management.

  1. 11. Reducing corporatescope 1 emissions on a voluntarily basiswith a focus on European biomethane and hydrogen markets

    University essay from KTH/Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM)

    Author : Vic van Mol; [2023]
    Keywords : Scope 1 emission reduction; sustainability; biomethane; hydrogen; markets; companies; SBTi; GHG Protocol; Scope 1 utsläppsminskning; hållbarhet; biometan; väte; marknader; företag; SBTi; GHG Protocol;

    Abstract : This research project represents a collaborative effort between E&C Consultants, an international energy procurement consultancy, and aims to address the increasing demand for guidance on scope 1 emissions reduction strategies expressed by their clients. From a procurement perspective, companies are actively seeking alternative commodities, such as biomethane or hydrogen, to substitute their natural gas consumption. READ MORE

  2. 12. The Stakeholder Perspectives on Solid Waste Management in Beirut, Lebanon

    University essay from KTH/Hållbar utveckling, miljövetenskap och teknik

    Author : Karima Hared; [2023]
    Keywords : ;

    Abstract : The city of Beirut needs solutions for a problem that is plaguing the entire country ofLebanon: waste. Statistics from the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon shows that2,700,000 tonnes/ year of municipal solid waste is generated with 44% ending up in landfillsand 36% in dumpsites. READ MORE

  3. 13. Encouraging Recycling in Co-living : A Redesigning of Sorting Bins

    University essay from KTH/Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM)

    Author : Eugene Chan; Avinash Kumar Karuppasamy; [2023]
    Keywords : Co-living; Student Household; Sustainable Behavior; Collective Responsibility; Individualistic Responsibility; User Experience; Nudging; Product Service System; Sorting Bins; Waste Management; Recycling; Sorting; Co-living; Studentbostad; Studentbostäder; Hållbart beteende; Kollektivt ansvar; Individualistiskt ansvar; Användarupplevelse; Puffning; Produktservicesystem; Sorteringskärl; Avfallshantering; Återvinning; Källsortering;

    Abstract : There is an inefficiency of waste management in co-living spaces for students, emphasizing the importance of proper waste sorting. A multifaceted research methodology was initiated with a literature review to understand existing waste management solutions and how they work as a system, followed by attribute studies pivotal for co-living spaces. READ MORE

  4. 14. Collaborative municipal governance and planning : A study about flood risk management in the Gothenburg region

    University essay from Linköpings universitet/Tema teknik och social förändring

    Author : Viktoria Falk; [2023]
    Keywords : Collaborative governance; Municipal collaboration; Climate adaptation; Flood risk management; Göteborgsregionen;

    Abstract : Due to climate change many regions across the world now have to work with flood risk. The purpose of this master thesis is to understand, from a collaborative governance perspective, how the municipalities City of Gothenburg, City of Mölndal, Kungsbacka municipality, Kungälv municipality and Lerum municipality are working with flood risk management and municipal collaborative planning. READ MORE

  5. 15. Defining Success: The PR Measurement Maze

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation

    Author : Ellen Thorell; Clara Bergström; [2023]
    Keywords : Public Relations; Measurement; Evaluation; Communication Logic; Agency-Client Relationship; Legitimacy; Social Sciences;

    Abstract : This study addresses how a lack of shared understanding of how PR contributes to organisational success creates a challenge in demonstrating the value of PR activities. The challenge lies in legitimising PR work, as its value is often viewed as difficult to measure and evaluate. READ MORE