Essays about: "managing the employees"

Showing result 6 - 10 of 250 essays containing the words managing the employees.

  1. 6. Managing global teams in a knowledge-intensive organization: Middle management’s perspective

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Graduate School

    Author : Mariam Mazanishvili; Sonam Kundnani; [2023-06-29]
    Keywords : Middle management; global teams; global organizations; sensemaking;

    Abstract : Managing global teams in today's world has become the norm for many organizations, placing middle managers in an even more important position, especially in a knowledge-intensive context. Although middle management is frequently discussed phenomena nowadays, there is a need for insights to understand middle management sensemaking of everyday activities in managing global teams in a knowledge-intensive context. READ MORE

  2. 7. How are you feeling now? : A self-awareness service to enhance emotional intelligence

    University essay from Umeå universitet/Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet

    Author : HYUNJIN SHIN; [2023]
    Keywords : self-awareness; emotions at work; mental health; interaction design;

    Abstract : Emotions play a critical role within the workplace, impacting employees' well-being, motivation, productivity, colleague relationships, and overall workplace culture. As a designer, my objective was to address emotional issues in the workplace by developing a tool capable of recognizing and effectively managing emotions. READ MORE

  3. 8. Impact of Work from Home on Developers’ Working Habits, Perceived Productivity, and Team Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    University essay from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola/Institutionen för programvaruteknik

    Author : Pranay Raj Nallanagula; [2023]
    Keywords : Work from home WFH ; team dynamics; perceived productivity; Software developers; Software Engineering SE .;

    Abstract : Background: In 2019, the world witnessed a novel coronavirus emerge in Wuhan, China. In a very short amount of time, the viral infection became a global pandemic. This resulted in a significant change in both work life and personal life. READ MORE

  4. 9. How is knowledge transfer management used to improve efficient use of human potential? : A case study of knowledge management at a Swedish manufacturing company

    University essay from KTH/Produktionsutveckling

    Author : Tuva Fors; [2023]
    Keywords : ;

    Abstract : Within the manufacturing industry, optimising resource utilisation is crucial for strengthening competitive advantage. However, the significance of acknowledging organisational knowledge as a valuable resource is often overlooked. READ MORE

  5. 10. Managing Radical Change in Young Companies : Insights for Successful Transformation and Growth

    University essay from Uppsala universitet/Företagsekonomiska institutionen

    Author : Magnus Strid; Adela Juras; Yung Yung; [2023]
    Keywords : Change Management; Communication; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship; Growth; Innovation; Leadership; Management; Organisation; Performance; Quality; Quality Management; Radical Change Management; Startup; Young Company; Entreprenörskap; Förändringsledning; Innovation; Intraprenörskap; Kommunikation; Kvalitet; Kvalitetsledning; Ledarskap; Ledning; Ledning av radikal förändring; Organisation; Prestation; Startyp; Tillväxt; Ungt företag;

    Abstract : Managing radical change is a critical undertaking for young companies aiming to achieve growth and adapt to evolving market dynamics. This research explores the strategies, models and challenges involved in navigating and implementing significant organizational changes. READ MORE