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Showing result 1 - 5 of 51 essays matching the above criteria.

  1. 1. Creating The Most Business-Friendly City In Europe - A case study with the region of Gothenburg - A collaboration with Business Region Göteborg

    University essay from Göteborgs universitet/Graduate School

    Author : Emil Wålinder; Johan Rönnlund; [2023-07-20]
    Keywords : Innovation; Innovative Power; Business climate; Municipality; Business Region Göteborg BRG ;

    Abstract : Business Region Göteborg, an organization responsible for the business development in the city of Gothenburg as well as a representative in business issues for the 13 municipalities in the Gothenburg region, has developed a strategic business program with the overall objective that the Gothenburg region should be Europe’s most business-friendly city by 2035. Because the program needs approval in each of the 13 municipal councils the program is constructed in a way so that it can be modified as deemed most suitable and relevant for each municipality. READ MORE

  2. 2. Exploring the Agile Project Manager - A Case Study at Scania R&D

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Teknisk logistik

    Author : Ebba Sjöblom; [2023]
    Keywords : critical success factors CSFs ; agile methodology; agile project management; agile project manager; project manager competencies; project manager responsibilities; Technology and Engineering;

    Abstract : Background: Organizations implement agile methodologies with the aim to increase their ability to respond quickly and adapt to changing environments. Agile transformations include changes in the organizational structure, processes, and roles. READ MORE

  3. 3. Leading others to lead themselves

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Företagsekonomiska institutionen

    Author : Nils Engström; Malcolm Wahl; [2023]
    Keywords : Self-leadership; high-growth firm HGF ; middle manager; self-management; super-leadership; servant-leadership; Business and Economics;

    Abstract : The purpose of this study is to elaborate on the role of self-leadership from a middle manager's perspective in HGFs in order to contribute valuable insights to existing literature and HGFs that practice self-leadership. A qualitative study with an abductive approach has been conducted. READ MORE

  4. 4. Fastighetsförvaltarens betydelse : en fallstudie om Castellum

    University essay from SLU/Dept. of Economics

    Author : Carl Brink; Moa Dansk; [2023]
    Keywords : Ekonomisk hållbarhet; fastighetsbranschen; kvalitetsledning; fastighetsförvaltare; Economic sustainability; real estate sector; quality management; property managers;

    Abstract : Denna uppsats utforskar hur kvalitetsledning bidrar till ekonomisk hållbarhet inom fastighets-branschen, med speciellt fokus på fastighetsförvaltarens roll. Genom att granska fastighetsbolaget Castellum, undersöker studien hur beslut, kvalitet och intressenter kan påverka företagets ekonomiska hållbarhet. READ MORE

  5. 5. Gen Z @ Work: A Changing Management Situation : A Qualitative Study of Generation Z in a Remote Working Environment from a Management Perspective

    University essay from Jönköping University/Internationella Handelshögskolan

    Author : Simon Ljungquist; Simon Lund; [2023]
    Keywords : remote work; generation z; motivation; loyalty; management; leadership;

    Abstract : Background: Remote work has in recent years been adapted by many organizations and are described to challenge the traditional managerial role. Simultaneously, generation Z are taking an increasingly large part of the labor market and bring new behaviors to organizations and managers. READ MORE