Essays about: "time ordering"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 78 essays containing the words time ordering.

  1. 1. Food Order Web Application Using React

    University essay from Mittuniversitetet/Institutionen för data- och elektroteknik (2023-)

    Author : Manaf Dawud Nantor; [2023]
    Keywords : JavaScript; React; Human-Computer Interaction; HTML; JavaScript; React; Människan-datorinteraktion; HTML;

    Abstract : Människan-datorinteraktion (HCI) är ett studieområde som fokuserar på design av datorteknik, särskilt interaktionen mellan människor (användarna) och datorer. Detta projekt beskriver utveckling av en webbapplikation (React) för kunder att göra sina onlineköp. READ MORE

  2. 2. Enhancing Stock Management Efficiency at Excillum AB

    University essay from KTH/Produktionsutveckling

    Author : Clive Carvalho; [2023]
    Keywords : Safety Stock; Inventory Management; Stock Management; EOQ; Order Quantity; Reorder Point; Inventory Optimisation; Inventory control; MTO; Customer order time; Lead time; Demand; Säkerhetslager; Lagerhantering; Lagerhantering; EOQ; Orderkvantitet; Återbeställningspunkt; Lageroptimering; Lagerkontroll; MTO; Kundordertid; Ledtid; Efterfrågan;

    Abstract : This thesis work aims to improve the stock management system of Excillum AB, a Stockholm-based company that specializes in high-performance X-ray sources. The current stock management system has limitations, resulting in gaps when managing the inventory. READ MORE

  3. 3. Estimating the Impact of Website Changes on Conversion Rates

    University essay from Lunds universitet/Nationalekonomiska institutionen; Lunds universitet/Statistiska institutionen

    Author : Jan Jarco; [2023]
    Keywords : website design; causal inference; observational study; average treatment effects; double machine learning; Business and Economics;

    Abstract : This study sought to evaluate the historical impact of changes to an ordering page of an online travel agency on its conversion rates. Data gathered from the website over a year, detailing aspects such as travel dates, prices, itineraries, number of passengers, travel time, and carriers, was analyzed. READ MORE

  4. 4. Communication and Error Correction via Polarisation of Single Photons and Time Ordering

    University essay from KTH/Tillämpad fysik

    Author : Shek Lun Leung; [2023]
    Keywords : Quantum Technology; Physics; Photon; Telecommunication; polarization; time ordering; BPPM; PPM; OOK; Simulation; quantum communication; Kvantteknologi; Fysik; Foton; Telekommunikation; polarisering; tidsordning; BPPM; PPM; OOK; Simulering; kvantkommunikation; satellite communication;

    Abstract : This research study aims to investigate the capacity of single photons to carry information through polarization and time ordering and proposes a protocol called Beyond Pulse Position Modulation (BPPM) to improve photon-based communication reliability over longer distances with limited power. Such a protocol may be used in any communication scenario where energy efficiency is important, e. READ MORE

  5. 5. Improving Recommendation Algorithms for Size and Fit in E-commerce

    University essay from Uppsala universitet/Avdelningen för beräkningsvetenskap

    Author : Petter Jerndal; [2023]
    Keywords : size recommendation; machine learning; neural networks;

    Abstract : E-commerce has grown at a rapid pace over the last years. At the same time, the return rate of purchased products is high, causing unnecessary transportation of goods to the home of the customer and back. In the clothing industry, most of the returns are related to the size of theproduct. READ MORE